Comet PixInsight Processing Workflow
The Comet PixInsight processing workflow is specifically designed to help you process comet images easily. It includes a full guide, walkthrough tutorial videos, our custom project files and raw data!
Our PixInsight processing guides are designed to be easy-to-follow tutorials with images and instructions. Learn how to process images of the subject step-by-step and achieve a result that you can be proud of! Processing guides can be accessed with the Processing Bundle or purchased individually. Note: Lifetime access and updates are included when buying the guide separately, but can become costly with multiple guides.
Lifetime access with free updates
Compatible across platforms (Windows, Mac, Mobile...)
Videos with commentary
Downloadable videos for offline learning
Don't underestimate how much potential your data has! Reveal the true natural shape of the comet you captured and the impressive tail(s)!
Welcome to our Comet Processing Workflow!
Table of Contents
FREE PREVIEWHow to Capture a Comet?
Processing - Before we Start
Download our Process Icons
Download our Raw Data
Data Calibration and Stacking
FREE PREVIEWGetting Our Star Mask
Comet Alignment
Batch-Removing the Stars and Stacking the Data on the Comet
Processing the Comet Image
The Final Image
Before you go...
The Galactic Course Ultimate Bundle
Case Study #1: Processing the Comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas (C/2023 A3)
Learn processing techniques for various iconic comets
Instructor Bio:
Our astrophotography has been featured in the following and many more:
This guide assumes you have basic knowledge of PixInsight, which is why it is quite compact and goes through each process quickly. In case you are a complte beginner or feel “rusty”, be sure to take a look at our Beginner's Guide to PixInsight which is the perfect starting point before tackling all other guides!
Not necessarily. We encourage you to use your own data, but also provide high-quality master files of the Pleiades that we shot from the Nevada desert! You can download these files to follow along and do exactly what we do in the videos with the exact same files. This is great if you'd like to practice before using your own data.
Courses that are purchased individually give you lifetime access with no expiry date. Bundles on the other hand, which include all courses at a low price, have a small yearly renewal fee. More info on that can be found on the bundle pages.
We receive a lot of emails and messages on social media each day from people seeking help with astrophotography. We do our best to reply to everyone, but it is not always possible. We prioritize emails from both Galactic Course members and Patreon.
Yes, you can access the course on any device, which include computers, tablets, and smartphones.
The course lessons are hosted on an online platform, but you will have the option to download the videos and watch them at any time, even when offline!
Check out our Ultimate Bundle and other processing guides
This bundle provides access to all of the Galactic Hunter astrophotography lessons (Deep Space with a telescope, Milky Way photography, Star Trails, Remote Imaging...) and all image processing guides!
$349 first payment, $75.00 / year onwards
Our full Milky Way editing workflow has one page per process so that you can easily follow along as you are processing your own images. Includes the full guide, tutorial videos, our custom process icons and raw data!
Our Nebula PixInsight workflow has one page per process so that you can easily follow along as you are processing your own images. Includes the full guide, 20 tutorial videos, our custom process icons, raw data, and various case studies!
The Galaxy PixInsight workflow has one page per process so that you can easily follow along as you are processing your own images. Includes the full guide, 21 tutorial videos, our custom process icons and raw data!