Our PixInsight processing guides are designed to be easy-to-follow tutorials with images and instructions. Learn how to process images of the subject step-by-step and achieve a result that you can be proud of! Processing guides can be accessed with the Processing Bundle or purchased individually. Note: Lifetime access and updates are included when buying the guide separately, but can become costly with multiple guides.

  • Lifetime access with free updates

  • Compatible across platforms (Windows, Mac, Mobile...)

  • Videos with commentary

  • Downloadable videos for offline learning

Get the BEST our of your Files

Don't underestimate how much potential your data has! Reveal the true natural shape of the comet you captured and the impressive tail(s)!

What People Say

Mupanga Mwanakatwe

5 star rating

“An excellent guide and introductory tutorial to comet processing. Direct, to the point and explains all the essentials and key elements required to achieve a great result. Bravo and well done !! ”

“An excellent guide and introductory tutorial to comet processing. Direct, to the point and explains all the essentials and key elements required to achieve a great result. Bravo and well done !! ”

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Bruce Leski

5 star rating

“What is REFRESHING to see is the detail in the course work as well as the detail in the downloaded books. I really like the notes, and star charts with examples. Great work ! Thanks, B.Leski”

“What is REFRESHING to see is the detail in the course work as well as the detail in the downloaded books. I really like the notes, and star charts with examples. Great work ! Thanks, B.Leski”

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Aerial Drone Master

5 star rating

“The course is great for beginners, everything is explained in easy to understand language with plenty of examples Tom Toka ( Aerial Drone Master )”

“The course is great for beginners, everything is explained in easy to understand language with plenty of examples Tom Toka ( Aerial Drone Master )”

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Jim Eckes

5 star rating

“Great Job. This answered a lot of questions.”

“Great Job. This answered a lot of questions.”

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Edward Mizzi

5 star rating

“I was looking for a resource that would guide me, step by step and this workflow does just that, Thanks to Galactic Hunter for developing these resources and offering them at reasonable prices.”

“I was looking for a resource that would guide me, step by step and this workflow does just that, Thanks to Galactic Hunter for developing these resources and offering them at reasonable prices.”

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Karl Morris

5 star rating

“I think overall this was an excellent tutorial. I moved away from PS, the learning curve for me was jumpy and all over the place form online sources,, Two weeks ago I downloaded Pixlnsight went through an in depth short course for the basic founda...”

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“I think overall this was an excellent tutorial. I moved away from PS, the learning curve for me was jumpy and all over the place form online sources,, Two weeks ago I downloaded Pixlnsight went through an in depth short course for the basic foundations and understandings to get me to a start point. If your a true beginner, maybe buy Galactic Hunter Beginner PixInsight Processing Guide, then move to this. This was exactly what I was looking for after that foundation study. This is targeted towards narrowband, causing me hesitancy as I only have a OSC, I do use dual/tri band filters with the OSC, and if I wanted to keep the channels separate during processing this tutorial has given me great insight in how to do that. I also had no issues following the process just using OSC data. Nothing less than a 10/10 here, two slightly different workflows would be have been nice though, maybe with two different Nebula. The interface is seriously 10/10, great job! Ease of Use 10/10 Value 10/10 Awesome job!! ”

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Jason Knight

5 star rating

“Good job”

“Good job”

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Course Curriculum

    1. Welcome to our Comet Processing Workflow!

    2. Table of Contents

    3. How to Capture a Comet?

    4. Processing - Before we Start

    5. Download our Process Icons

    6. Download our Raw Data

    1. Data Calibration and Stacking

    2. Getting Our Star Mask

    3. Comet Alignment

    4. Batch-Removing the Stars and Stacking the Data on the Comet

    5. Processing the Comet Image

    1. The Final Image

    2. Before you go...

    3. The Galactic Course Ultimate Bundle

    1. Case Study #1: Processing the Comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas (C/2023 A3)

About this course

  • $18.00
  • 15 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Understand How to Capture Comets

Before you learn how to process images of comets, you should know how to capture one! As an extra bonus to this processing guide, we start with a quick video showing you exactly how we planned and photographed the "Green Comet". We show you how to find out what exact coordinates to use, how to set it up in NINA, and what settings to use to get the best possible picture of the moving object.
Comet capture on NINA

Organize and Stack your Files

Import all your comet files into PixInsight (or the ones we provide) and learn how to stack it all the proper way! This will give you one master file if you used a color camera, three master files if you used a monochrome camera.
Comet files

Align your Data on the Comet

Processing comet files is unique, because unlike deep sky objects and stars, the comet moves! Before revealing the details and colors of your target, learn how to align all your files on the comet so that you do not end up with a blurry mess.
Align the comet files on the comet as reference

Process the Comet and Export!

Once all the comet-specific stacking and combining and aligning is done, it is time to process the image! See how to easily create a beautiful picture of the Comet and export once you are proud of your result!
Process a comet on PixInsight

Ready to Process?

Whether you are planning to use your own data or the provided raw data, you can be certain to get great results. Thanks to its easy-to-follow structure, you will be able to open this guide on the side every time you work on a new image until you have absorbed all the steps and techniques naturally.
Comet Processing Guide screenshot

Get the Comet Processing Guide Now

Instantly access our Comet Processing Workflow and start learning immediately!

Bonus Material

  • Raw Data

    This workflow contains high-quality R-G-B raw data of the "Green Comet". You can download this data to practice or follow along with the guide.

  • Process Icons

    Download our custom PixInsight process icons and easily import them into your own PixInsight window! This will help you save time during processing and teach you how to manage icons.

  • Discount for Ultimate Bundle

    Upon completion of this course, you receive a $50 discount for access to our Ultimate Bundle - which provides access to all courses and guides, plus perks.

Extra Content!

Learn processing techniques for various iconic comets

Additional 4K walkthrough tutorial videos are added to the guide over time as "case studies". These commentary videos teach you how to process different comets from start to finish so that you can get the same result as ours! These are useful as they help you learn how to work with various types of targets.
Processing Comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas

Antoine Grelin

Instructor Bio:

Antoine Grelin is a French-American astrophotographer and is one-half of Galactic Hunter. Along with his wife Dalia, Galactic Hunter offers astrophotography tutorials, guides, gear reviews, and complete courses for all levels of skill and equipment. Galactic Hunter images have been featured in NASA publications, Astronomy Magazine, BBC, and PBS Television, and have been recognized with awards from APOD, AAPOD2, and Flickr Explore.

Antoine Grelin


Awards & Features

Our astrophotography has been featured in the following and many more:

  • AAPOD 2 Logo
  • PetaPixel France
  • NASA Logo
  • BBC Sky At Night magazine
  • PBS Outdoor Nevada astrophotography
  • Universo Magico Logo
  • ZWO Logo
  • QHYCCD logo
  • Space Junk podcast logo


  • Can I follow this guide if I never used PixInsight?

    This guide assumes you have basic knowledge of PixInsight, which is why it is quite compact and goes through each process quickly. In case you are a complte beginner or feel “rusty”, be sure to take a look at our Beginner's Guide to PixInsight which is the perfect starting point before tackling all other guides!

  • Do I need my own files to use the course?

    Not necessarily. We encourage you to use your own data, but also provide high-quality master files of the Pleiades that we shot from the Nevada desert! You can download these files to follow along and do exactly what we do in the videos with the exact same files. This is great if you'd like to practice before using your own data.

  • How long will I have access to the course material?

    Courses that are purchased individually give you lifetime access with no expiry date. Bundles on the other hand, which include all courses at a low price, have a small yearly renewal fee. More info on that can be found on the bundle pages.

  • What kind of support is available if I have questions during the course?

    We receive a lot of emails and messages on social media each day from people seeking help with astrophotography. We do our best to reply to everyone, but it is not always possible. We prioritize emails from both Galactic Course members and Patreon.

  • Can I access the course on mobile devices?

    Yes, you can access the course on any device, which include computers, tablets, and smartphones.

  • Can I access the course offline?

    The course lessons are hosted on an online platform, but you will have the option to download the videos and watch them at any time, even when offline!